Jenna began writing a blog over five years ago with a desire to change the world. This has lead to regularly contributing to several online publications in topics such as human development, lifestyle, and health & wellness. She has been published in publications such as GOOP crediting he writing, and publishing her meditations, along with other online publications and notable podcasts. She combines her degree in Journalism from the University of Oregon, and background in Marketing with her passion and experience as a meditation instructor to deliver an open-minded curation of ideas and discoveries. Ultimately, Jenna hopes she can be an indispensable resource for all those out there looking to live an emotionally healthy, authentic and conscious lifestyle.
“Reiss’s writing is a reminder that there are reasons to be grateful even in the toughest times.”
There are so many relationships that contribute to who we are, who we become in life. From an early age our parents are the first to begin to shape us. Then we have other adult mentors, babysitters, teachers, older friends or the neighborhood kids. Later in life our inner circle are the people that affect us the most, our romantic relationships, our best friends, and still our parents always and forever in one way or another. As impactful as all of these people can be, there is no one in life quite like your SISTER TRIBE.
I recently entered the age where all my friends have started having babies. For me, who also has baby fever, this has opened my eyes to a deeper understanding of just how magnificent women really are.
Comfort in the Unknown
The unknown is a very scary place. It’s filled with answers to questions you can’t yet see or hear. It’s filled with life altering questions that have the ability to make a large impact on your life yet you don’t know what exactly they mean. It’s filled with meaningful next steps to your life but you can’t find where the steps even begin. Nothing is more uncomfortable than working to be comfortable in and with the unknown...
Thought Catalog
Walking Away Doesn’t Mean You Love Them Any Less
People enter our lives for a reason. They come and go satisfying a need for companionship, love, social stimulation or many other emotional and physical needs. Some stay for years, become a partner in crime, grow and change with us, while others stay for a much shorter period of time than we might have liked. Regardless of when the time comes for us to say goodbye to an individual, we either find ourselves embracing their exit or incredibly pained by the transition...
I Can’t Be Ready For It If I’m Not Ready To Listen
For the last 10 years, I’ve been asking the world’s spirit for a man that understood me, yet let me be me. I’ve been asking for a man that both supported my hippy-ways and my stereotypical sorority girl interests at the same time. I’ve dreamed of a man that had my back no matter what, but would also push me to think about other perspectives, and would ask me the hard questions so I never took life at just what it was. I’ve wanted to be challenged...
Being Single And Completely Fine With It
The first wave of marriages happens in our early to mid-twenties. These are the people who have been dating since high school, college or just after. It includes the lovers who have stood the test of time, the homemakers, the “I know what I want in life” couples, and maternal and paternal individuals who want kids at an early age...
6 Ways To Find Solace In Your Loneliness
1. Be patient
It takes time to become comfortable with you. It takes time to get to know who you really are and understand what you really want, make decisions for yourself and feel at ease in the sweet and utter silence of your own presence.
2. Start small...
Liminas Magazine
Making New Friends as a Twenty-something
Tonight, I felt like grabbing a drink, maybe having a few laughs and some meaningful conversation. I wanted to hang out with someone I truly enjoyed, someone who nourishes my soul and brings a smile to my face. I don’t want to call the “Facebook friend”, or the friend I’ve known for forever but don’t REALLY know, and I definitely don’t want to call the party friend...
Dating as a Twenty-something Women
(As a Liminas woman, you quite possibly could be the single gal amongst friends who are dating their college boyfriends, or engaged to their high school lovers. This perspective is written for those women, so they know that they are not alone in dating as a twentysomething, and that their hitched girlfriends, are undoubtedly more than excited to hear the single gal stories.)...
Trial and Error
Upon entering the working world as a quarter-lifer, you find yourself one of two groups: those who are certain of their career paths and move confidently forward chasing their dreams, and those who sit horrified among the undecided...