We learn from our relationships with others
/Doing healing work together opens up a unique form of healing. We cannot, do not, heal in a vacuum. We learn from our relationships with others. They hold up a mirror for you to see something you did not know you needed to see. When you feel triggered by another person, by their actions, by their words, by their presence, that is showing you a judgement you hold about yourself, something that is in need of greater awareness. It could be a blindspot you have about yourself, it could be something you know is there and is in need of healing. When you’re jealous of someone else, feel stuck in comparison mode, or irritated by the work of another, there is something inside yourself that is wanting voice, attention. And when something that excites you about another, attracts you is something that you’re being asked to cultivate within yourself. It’s something you likely want more of, or enjoy being around and therefore have within you if you were to give it some time and attention.
We hold a piece of each other's hearts in each of us. For as different as we can feel at times, and today is definitely a time that is causing divisiveness and separation, there is as much similarity amongst us as there is uniqueness.
Where you feel heightened, or frustrated, about the state of our world, where you feel triggered about how someone else is handling COVID, where you’re feeling deeply saddened about the racial injustice that persists today, or downright pissed off, where you feel stuck in comparison mode or unmotivated, all are experiences that are giving you information on how to help heal yourself.
Let’s learn from our relationship with others. Learn by exploring our inner-workings. Learn by listening to each other. Learn by growing our minds, our hearts to what we don’t yet understand, or don’t yet know.
Some questions I’ve been asking myself lately...
:: Can I let my triggers be my greatest teachers today?
:: Who in my life is showing up as a mirror today and what might I be able to learn from it?
:: When was the last time I felt jealous, stuck or activated, and what might that experience be asking me to pay attention to?
:: Who have I not been listening to, ignored, or had out of my mind that I could really learn from?
We are one another’s mirrors. We are one another's teachers. Here’s to the information gathering you are being asked to do today for the betterment of your own evolution and the evolution of our world.
Morgan Harper Nichols :: https://morganharpernichols.com/