What is breathwork & why is it important?

Breathwork meditation has become quite popular in the Western world. Known for it’s transformative results mirroring what some would call a psychedelic experience, Breathwork has become a fast healing hack tool that many now lean on. And rightly so. It’s profound, it’s immediate, and it’s exceptionally powerful for those who want to experience the benefits of traditional meditation, but find themselves stuck in their mind a lot. What is important to know about Breathwork Meditation however, is that it’s not just a healing hack. It’s a deeply transcendent, oftentimes emotionally moving, full body transformative practice that harnesses the power of conscious breathing to improve mental, emotional, and physical health. Unlike traditional meditation, breathwork involves intentionally changing your breathing patterns to directly influence your body's inner workings and promote overall well-being.

What is Breathwork Meditation?

At its core, breathwork meditation is about mindfully controlling your breath to create positive changes in your body and mind. It's a holistic approach that has roots in ancient practices like yoga, with some techniques dating back over 2,000 years. The fundamental premise is simple yet profound: by consciously shifting your breathing, you can reset your nervous system, emotionally release trauma and experiences your body has been holding onto, and reduce stress.

When you're stressed, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid, triggering a stress response. Breathwork reverses this cycle by increasing oxygen flow to the body, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and creating a sense of calmness and relaxation for your whole body. 

Beyond mental health, breathwork offers remarkable physical benefits like improved sleep quality, strong respiratory function, and balanced blood pressure to name a few.

From a spiritual standpoint, Breathwork connects you to the frequency and vibration of your highest self. The you that feels your best, that knows what’s best for you. The you that has no ego, has no attachment to what needs to get done, to accomplishments. Breathwork helps connect you to higher forms of thinking, feeling by placing you on the same energetic frequency that vibrates through the world as love. It’s wildly open-hearted, and in a world full of thinkers, this practice has helped people overcome wild behavioral patterns by tapping into the highest form of energy.

Breathwork offers an impressive array of mental health benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: Slowing and deepening your breath signals to your brain that you're safe, deactivating the fight-or-flight response.

  • Anxiety Management: Regular practice can significantly decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, even though those who are anxious coming into Breathwork often report having a love hate relationship with the practice to start.

  • Emotional Healing: Helps process trauma, grief, and emotional pain.

  • Improved Focus: Enhances mental clarity, concentration, and neuroplasticity.

Getting Started

The beauty of breathwork* is its accessibility. You can practice it anywhere, anytime, with no special equipment required. Start with simple techniques, and consider guided sessions or apps to help you learn.Breathwork meditation isn't just a trend—it's a powerful, scientifically-backed approach to holistic well-being. By dedicating just a few minutes daily to conscious breathing, you can transform your entire life.

Here are a number of different tools I’ve created with the style of Breathwork I teach to help you dive in and transform you life:

30 Day Breathwork Journey

10 minute Breathwork for Compassion

Breathwork for all that you are

Creating Abundance Breathwork Healing Kit

& always, free resources can be found here

*Breathwork is generally safe, though it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.